ALMA Interest Form

ALMA (Addressing Loneliness with Movement & Art) transforms lives by creating intergenerational relationships with volunteers and underserved seniors.

We create connection, empowerment, and a better quality of life, through direct creative arts programming, education, advocacy, and research. 

ALMA stands for honoring our elders. We desire to be of service to the most neglected and create a new paradigm for what it means to age. We remember our elders with our hearts and “re-member” them back as valuable members of society.

Our current available programming is the DancePals program. Check out the video below!


ALMA is looking for volunteers and facilitators to join our growing community of those who want to give back and be of service, and receive the magic of doing so!

Please fill out the form below to help us learn more about you and your interest in working with ALMA: